Tuesday 8 January 2013

A little bit about me...

Still feeling poorly today. I ventured out the the shop to buy some more blades for my craft knife as I'd ran out, but my body started aching again. So, I'm now cuddled on the sofa feeling sorry for myself. I thought to cheer myself up, I would think of my favourite things (Julie Andrews - Sound of Music style).

Just a few of my favorite things at the moment:

Starting each morning with a mug of hot coffee. There is something wonderful about the smell of coffee circling the air on a cold, wet morning.

Watching my cat chase a falling leaf past the window - it makes me giggle that she still doesn't realize that it is outside.

The feeling I have after finishing a papercut. I did it - I'm getting better at this.

Chatting with my children when they come home from school. They always have so much to tell me about their day - it's my favourite time of the day.

Getting an email from my sister in Australia - makes me feel closer than we are.

The encouragement my husband has been giving me to keep creating. It feels so wonderful to have such support.

The whispers in my life that tell me to push myself forward and grab hold of my dreams with two hands. To go for it, without fear or doubt. You only live once. Live your dreams.

The days that are perfectly balanced - work, play, good conversations - a day full of everything nice, and still get work done. A day that has all of the amount of time you need.

The feeling that I am on the edge, about to take a leap, a change in the direction my life, the direction it was meant to go. It is a wonderful feeling.

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